
image of gymnast for nutromic nutritional ergogenics nutrigenomics pageNew breakthroughs in elite athlete nutrigenomic science are helping speed-strength athletes adapt to higher levels of skill and performance. Introducing the science of nutrigenomic optimization using gene targeted ergogenics.

Sport nutrition science is now on a new path toward helping competitive speed-strength athletes reach their true potential without guesswork or delay. For the past thirty years sport nutrition research as it was applied to the training and adaptation of competitive athletes was weak, founded more on marketing and hype and guesswork than on actual results. Few sport supplements passed the performance test. Thanks to modern science this is changing.

Advances in gene technology and gene therapy via nutritional switches is showing great promise in enhancing athletic performance via the sport genome. This is not gene doping, rather it is nutritionally activated genetic switching- turning on those sport specific genes which contribute to elite athleticism. There are multiple sport performance genes and gene pathways now mapped that allow the testing of various nutrients and their influence on gene groups to boost athletic performance.

In April of 2003 the Human Genome Project was completed. Over 25,000 human genes were mapped.  During the past ten years vital sport specific genes, some 150 of them, were discovered. A few key genes have profound influences on athletic ability, some more so than others. Through international collaborations, the genes of thousands of elite athletes from many speed-strength sports have been analyzed, and useful gene-performance patterns were discovered.

Although gene typing has become a common process- a simple swab of the inside of your cheek for example, most athletes today have not had this done. And that’s OK because what is important is that we now know that specific genes (like ACTN3, AMPD1, and ACE), have genetic tweaks (called variances or SNP’s) that are most important in a speed-strength athletes success. For example, the ACTN3 gene found in fast twitch muscle had best be of the RR variance if you are an Olympic weightlifter, or the RR or RX variances if you are a football player. If you have the XX variance you would perform best in endurance sports like distance running. The genes just don’t lie.

There are many factors that play a role in your level of athletic performance, with genes playing a key role for sure. While scientists cannot agree as to how much genes play in athletic success, ranging from 40% to 75% in most studies, it’s clear that “sport genes” are important to how far you go- whether you have a successful high school career, a good college career, or make it to the Olympics or the Pros in your sport.

Having speed-strength specific genes is one thing. Maximizing their ergonomic and adaptive powers is another. Enter the new science of nutrigenomic optimization: How genes are turned on or off by the nutrients we consume in our foods, drinks, and dietary supplements. Diet is important at any level of performance and mastering some of this new science will help you to become a better athlete.

Our focus at Nutromic Sports Nutrition is to research and develop effective dietary supplements that will have true nutrigenomic optimizing potential. Our nutritional ergogenics are tested under “real world” applied training and competitive conditions. We’re long on the science of nutrigenomics and short on marketing. We’re not into bodybuilding nor do we focus on endurance sports (although endurance athletes could use some more speed too).

We let your gains in max strength, reaction, starting power, speed, and fine motor skills while applying our supplement protocols do all the talking. Elite athletes are not born. They are born and made. Make the most of your genetic talents with the help of Nutromic Sports Nutrition.

Ahmetov II, Donnikov AE, Trofimov DY. Actn3 genotype is associated with testosterone levels of athletes. Biol Sport. 2014 Jun; 31(2):105-8.

Ahmetov II, Gavrilov DN, Astratenkova IV, Druzhevskaya AM, Malinin AV, Romanova EE, Rogozkin VA. The association of ACE, ACTN3 and PPARA gene variants with strength phenotypes in middle school-age children. J Physiol Sci. 2013 Jan; 63(1):79-85.

Ahmetov II, Rogozkin VA. Genes, athlete status and training — An overview. Med Sport Sci. 2009; 54:43-71.

Bragazzi NL. Situating Nutri-Ethics at the Junction of Nutrigenomics and Nutriproteomics in Postgenomics Medicine. Curr Pharmacogenomics Person Med. 2013 Jun; 11(2):162-166.

See comment in PubMed Commons belowBurdge GC, Hoile SP, Lillycrop KA. Epigenetics: are there implications for personalised nutrition? Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2012 Sep; 15(5):442-7.

Eynon N, Hanson ED, Lucia A, Houweling PJ, Garton F, North KN, Bishop DJ. Genes for elite power and sprint performance: ACTN3 leads the way. Sports Med. 2013 Sep; 43(9):803-17.

Massidda M, Scorcu M, Calò CM. New genetic model for predicting phenotype traits in sports. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2014 May; 9(3):554-60.

Norheim F, Gjelstad IM, Hjorth M, Vinknes KJ, Langleite TM, Holen T, Jensen J, Dalen KT, Karlsen AS, Kielland A, Rustan AC, Drevon CA. Molecular nutrition research: the modern way of performing nutritional science. Nutrients. 2012 Dec 3; 4(12):1898-944.

Shankar S, Kumar D, Srivastava RK. Epigenetic modifications by dietary phytochemicals: implications for personalized nutrition. Pharmacol Ther. 2013 Apr; 138(1):1-17.

Tauriainen E, Storvik M, Finckenberg P, Merasto S, Martonen E, Pilvi TK, Korpela R, Mervaala EM. Skeletal muscle gene expression profile is modified by dietary protein source and calcium during energy restriction. J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics. 2011; 4(1):49-62.

Zilberman-Schapira G, Chen J, Gerstein M. On sports and genes. Recent Pat DNA Gene Seq. 2012 Dec; 6(3):180-8.